Treating hemophilia A

While there is still no cure for hemophilia A, there are a number of treatment options available.1

Considerations for hemophilia A treatment

While there is no cure for hemophilia A, there are a number of treatment options. Knowing the basics will help you talk with your doctor about these options.1

One common treatment option is called factor replacement therapy. It is administered intravenously. The first factor replacement treatment for hemophilia A was approved in 1966. Since then, there have been a number of exciting advancements in factor replacement therapy.1,2

Use this helpful guide to discuss potential treatment options with your care team.

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There are several treatment options for hemophilia A, which include1,3,4:


An injected medicine that replaces missing factor VIII to help the blood clot properly.

Fibrin sealants

Medications that can be applied to wounds to promote clotting and healing.


A hormone that can help your body make factor VIII.


A treatment that helps the blood to clot without replacing the missing blood-clotting factor.

Clot-preserving medications

These help prevent blood clots from breaking down.

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Listen to 3 loving mothers talk about treatment

Using replacement therapy1,3

If you and your doctor decide to use replacement therapy, you'll probably discuss preventive treatment (prophylaxis). If any breakthrough bleeds occur, your doctor may also bring up on-demand treatment. Both prophylactic and on-demand replacement therapy can be taken at home. Because on-demand treatment can be given immediately at home when a bleed occurs, it can lower the risk of serious bleeding and side effects.

TYPE OF TREATMENT1,5 when treatment is used1,5 COMMONLY USED FOR1,5
Prophylaxis (preventative) At regular intervals People with severe hemophilia
On-demand When a bleed occurs People with mild to moderate hemophilia
Surgical Before, during, and after surgery People with hemophilia undergoing surgical procedures, in consultation with their doctor

What’s “half-life” and why does it matter?

The half-life of a drug is the time it takes for the amount of the drug's active substance in your body to reduce by half.6

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Standard (traditional)
clotting factor

Standard clotting factor has a half-life of 8-12 hours in most people with hemophilia A.2

Explore a standard half-life option

Clock icon.

Extended (prolonged)
clotting factor

Extended clotting factor has a longer half-life so it stays in your blood longer.2

Explore an extended half-life option

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Mickey's Hemophilia A Story

What’s a PK profile and why does it matter?6,7

A PK (pharmacokinetic) profile describes how a drug behaves in the body.

The aim of hemophilia A treatment is to maintain factor VIII at a high enough level to reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes.

The amount of factor VIII and how often it should be given varies from person to person—and depends on your PK profile.

PK testing allows your doctor to understand how factor VIII behaves in your body and create a treatment plan with the appropriate dose and infusion frequency for you.

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Talking to your doctor about hemophilia A

Doctor providing recommendations to a patient.

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  1. National Organization for Rare Disorders. Hemophilia A. Accessed February 12, 2023.
  2. Lieuw K. Many factor VIII products available in the treatment of hemophilia A: an embarrassment of riches? J Blood Med. 2017;8:67-73. Published 2017 Jun 15. doi:10.2147/JBM.S103796
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Treatment of Hemophilia. Accessed February 13, 2023.
  4. Tock B, Drohan W, Hess J, Pusateri A, Holcomb J, MacPhee M. Haemophilia and advanced fibrin sealant technologies. Haemophilia. 1998;4(4):449-455. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2516.1998.440449
  5. Mistry T, Dogra N, Chauhan K, Shahani J. Perioperative Considerations in a Patient with Hemophilia A: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Anesth Essays Res. 2017;11(1):243-245. doi:10.4103/0259-1162.181432
  6. Grogan S, Preuss CV. Pharmacokinetics. 2022. Accessed February 12, 2023.
  7. Powell JS. Recombinant factor VIII in the management of hemophilia A: current use and future promise. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2009;5(2):391-402. doi:10.2147/tcrm.s4412